A fun activity for the little ones, useful for their education


Karate is a sport based on principles that develop the physical, social and intellectual abilities of every child. Team spirit? Deal! Your child will learn how to respect his teammates and sometimes he will give his last drop of energy in training.

Of course, playing a sport will develop your child`s physique and skills, but discipline and mental training are valuable tools that will help him develop in today’s society.

  • Your child will discipline his mind
  • Your child will increases his self-esteem and dignity
  • Your child will develop team spirit
  • Your child will be encouraged to express his/ her opinion and communicate with others
  • Your child will have a better ability to concentrate and a better spirit of observation
  • Your child will think faster
  • Start training now
karate kid

You don’t have to worry about physical aspects. Violence starts from the inability to control emotions, and this aspect will be trained by us. In addition, his body will move to the next level:

This sport will:

  • Increase his/ her endurance and aerobic capacity
  • Work on his/ her balance
  • Strengthen his/ her muscle mass and increase flexibility
  • The body weight is maintained within normal limits
  • increase reaction speed
  • develop coordination and control of the body
Meet the trainerS

I am Alex, MyMotric coach and performance athlete at Dinamo Bucharest, where I also train groups of children.

I love working with children and I have developed my skills in working with people during my 16 years of practicing this sport, winning numerous titles, and during my time as a coach.

I am an open guy and ready at any time to share my sports experience with those who want a healthy lifestyle.

karate kid mymotric bucuresti
Alexandru Sandu, mymotric coach
karate kid mymotric bucuresti
Diana Iliescu, group fitness trainer

I’m Diana Iliescu and I’m a performance athlete at C.S. Dinamo Bucharest, Shito-Ryu Karate section. I have been practicing this sport for over 18 years, with passion, ambition and perseverance. Over time, I have earned my black belt for over 10 years and won multiple national championship titles and medals in international championships.

If you want to give your child an opportunity to train, learn self-defense, develop discipline or achieve sports performance, I hold karate classes at the My Motric training room in Timpuri Noi, Splaiul Unirii 165, Clădirea TN03B Parter. 🥋


Yes, in the gym we also have a fitness equipment area.

The premium MyMotric fitness concept comes with several types of equipment and smart training programs.

While your child is training, you can enjoy Milon’s #smart technology, a myo-fascial #Five workout or conventional equipment.

Come on, give yourself time and come to exercise with us!

They will learn self-defense movements and will do both physical exercises and practicing habits such as the beginning and ending greetings or striving to follow the rules of discipline.

In the private parking lot where we have 20 parking spaces dedicated to members.

The fitness center is located in the Timpuri Noi Square building, very close to the Timpuri Noi subway (approx. 150m).

If you come by car, you have space in the private parking lot.

The fitness center is equipped with professional ventilation systems and we comply with all safety measures imposed. Only children and coaches will have access to the fitness center and the spaces are sanitized every 2 hours.

Plus, you get free filtered water from the Trugge water dispenser.

We also train children to get out of their comfort zone and we are patient with each one. Our coaches love their job!

Discover a new #mymotric experience
Karate Kid program
190 RON
Sign up for the program!
Fill in the form and one of our staff members will call you for confirmation as soon as possible.

    Check out our google reviews
    Angela Maria
    15:00 04 Nov 23
    Locatie curata, aerisita, aparate performante, clase pentru oricine, personal amabil. 👍
    Theodor Moldoveanu
    08:33 15 Oct 23
    Sala de sport foarte curata si moderna. Nu este unul dintre cele mai spațioase dintre ele din București, dar nici nu este prea aglomerat. Au mai mult decât suficiente mașini/greutăți pentru tot ce aveți nevoie.
    Marius Stancu
    16:02 04 Sep 23
    O sală extraordinară, modernă, cu aparate foarte performante. Tot personalul de nota 10, sală de karate este excepțională iar senseii adevărați profesioniști, tineri și cu foarte mult bun-simț! Bravo my motric și karate kid !
    Magda Turcan
    13:29 05 Aug 23
    O sala cu antrenori profesioniști și dedicați. Un loc deosebit ce îl recomand din inima..
    Bogdan Constantin
    21:52 27 May 23
    O sala moderna cu aparate noi, performante si extrem de facile pentru persoanele ce sunt la inceput de drum.Punctul forte al salii este circuitul milonizer format din 8 aparate inteligente ce se configureaza automat dupa postura si greutatea ideala pentru obiectivul pe care il doresti: slabire sau masa musculara. Sala este foarte curata, permanent dezinfectata, personalul este amabil si intotdeauna prezent.Au inclusiv aparate de kinetoterapie dar pe care nu le-am folosit niciodata pentru ca nu stiu cum si trainerii isi ofera sprijinul doar contracost.Puncte negative: spatiul este mic, abia gaseam loc sa fac exercitii cu gantere sau bara pt biceps. La ore de varf e cam greu sa gasesc loc liber la aparate.Nu au banca scott pt biceps, doar 1 aparat pe care nu il foloseste aproape nimeni pt ca este ciudat si nici circuitul milonizer nu are aparat pt biceps.Nu mi se pare suficient de aerisita sala, desi se pot rabata ferestrele.Muzica e aproape mereu aiurea, rareori am gasit muzica buna pentru antrenament.Pretul mie mi se pare mult prea mare 284 lei/ luna. Am inceput cu 230 pe luna (pret disponibil prin platforma bennefit) si au refuzat sa imi reinnoiasca abonamentul la acelas pret.Circuitul milonizer e cam ciudat deoarece nu poti creste greutatea treptat si esti fortat sa incepi cu greutatea maxima pe care o poti suporta.
    Liuba Grecea
    18:16 18 Apr 23
    O sală de gym care are că punct forte sistemul Millon (aparate care se reglează singură în funcție de forma în care ești și de caracteristicele corpului tău, în așa fel încât să poți progresa super particularizat, fără să îți bați capul de cum să reglezi tu aparatele), combinate cu câteva aparate Five-konzept pentru stretching. În rest, aparate obișnuite și o sală pentru ore de grup.Curat, civilizat, recomand.
    Ana T
    18:17 26 Jul 20
    Sala este impecabila, super curata, are aparate de ultima generatie si preferatul meu, conceptul de circuit pe aparatele ce se ajusteaza pe structura ta corporala. Cred ca acesta tehnologie va revolutiona antrenamentele de fitness