my body. My movement. My choice

Experience the here and now

We have invested in a team of professional trainers specialized in kinesiotherapy to offer customized and comprehensive solutions. We believe and invest in people, unconditionally. We provide both fitness/aesthetics services as well as training regarding health and recovery

Welcome to #mymotric!
No weights, no waiting time.

Milon workouts give you exactly what you need – enjoy productive, efficient exercises and especially to your liking! Whether the goal is endurance, strength or a combination of both, training in the Milon circuit offers the best conditions for effective training thanks to high-tech equipment.


Why choose us

The simple assessment of health based on only two parameters, weight and height, is an outdated technique. We currently use InBody devices that require an understanding of body mass and how the body works. The test results provide essential information in order to obtain personalized diets and exercise adjustments. You are our priority and one of the goals of #mymotric is to offer you the best fitness as well as the best wellness experience, all at the same time!

  • Test in 60 seconds – quick measurement of muscle mass, fat and water percentage, in less than 1 minute, without any discomfort.
  • No empirical estimates – InBody reports do not reveal empirical data.
  • Cloud Software – instant access to information about each customer in InBody’s own database

Direct Segmental Measurement (MSD)

Direct Segmental Measurement (MSD) measures water, muscle mass, and fat mass separately in the five body segments: right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and torso. InBody provides an in-depth analysis of muscle balance and body fluid in each independent segment. The identification of mass distribution allows for a better assessment of health risks, while the ECW / TBW parameters are used to identify systemic or localized inflammation, resulting from injuries, yet unidentified health problems or possible surgical complications.

B Multiple Frequencies

InBody devices use multiple frequencies for accurate and deep measurement of body water. These high and low frequencies measure intracellular and extracellular water, resulting in accurate measurements of each compartment of water in the body. Thanks to these accurate data, InBody can be used to identify fluid imbalances or water retention resulting from inflammation or injury, as well as to monitor changes from an exercise or recovery program.

 8 Tactile Sensory Points

The measurements always start in the same place, each time the test is repeated.

No Empirical Estimates

InBody assessments are not based on empirical estimates of age, gender, or ethnicity. Advanced technological developments provide a high level of accuracy and precision – when determining body composition, InBody eliminates the assumptions associated with the population and ensures that results are based solely on the individual.

Five advantages – stretching

Stretch smart, not hard

Stretching is the key element in optimizing the results of sustained physical effort. We tend to create unhealthy habits, to get the body used to adopting an unnatural often wrong posture.

The exercise system of the Five method aims to correct body posture and thus improve muscle activity and joint mobility, relieving or leading to the disappearance of back pain.

Five advantage? It is a type of training that #mymotric trainers can customize for each age category, being a rehabilitation and preventive measure. Your fitness level will be exponentially improved by introducing stretching into your workout routine.

You can always find personalized tips and training from our super trainers. Do not hesitate to ask for advice!

Evolve your movement. Invest in your strength

The first steps are the most difficult ones, but we won’t let you take them alone. Tell us your goal and we will find the best training options. What results to expect?

  • Improving mobility. Your joints shouldn’t bother you anymore.
  • Pain relief. A correct body posture makes the back pain disappear.
  • Increasing well-being. A healthy body will work wonders.
  • Sustained effort. … and no more than necessary. We are efficient. You haven’t forgotten, have you?

Get fit. Have fun with it

Meet our team

Start a lifestyle that suits you, with personalized training and a team of professionals ready to support you.

Clients Feedback

We don’t like to talk much about ourselves, but our customers have something to say.

Contact us

Find out more about #mymotric experience

    Check out our google reviews
    Angela MariaAngela Maria
    15:00 04 Nov 23
    Locatie curata, aerisita, aparate performante, clase pentru oricine, personal amabil. 👍
    Theodor MoldoveanuTheodor Moldoveanu
    08:33 15 Oct 23
    Sala de sport foarte curata si moderna. Nu este unul dintre cele mai spațioase dintre ele din București, dar nici nu este prea aglomerat. Au mai mult decât suficiente mașini/greutăți pentru tot ce aveți nevoie.
    Marius StancuMarius Stancu
    16:02 04 Sep 23
    O sală extraordinară, modernă, cu aparate foarte performante. Tot personalul de nota 10, sală de karate este excepțională iar senseii adevărați profesioniști, tineri și cu foarte mult bun-simț! Bravo my motric și karate kid !
    Magda TurcanMagda Turcan
    13:29 05 Aug 23
    O sala cu antrenori profesioniști și dedicați. Un loc deosebit ce îl recomand din inima..
    Bogdan ConstantinBogdan Constantin
    21:52 27 May 23
    O sala moderna cu aparate noi, performante si extrem de facile pentru persoanele ce sunt la inceput de drum.Punctul forte al salii este circuitul milonizer format din 8 aparate inteligente ce se configureaza automat dupa postura si greutatea ideala pentru obiectivul pe care il doresti: slabire sau masa musculara. Sala este foarte curata, permanent dezinfectata, personalul este amabil si intotdeauna prezent.Au inclusiv aparate de kinetoterapie dar pe care nu le-am folosit niciodata pentru ca nu stiu cum si trainerii isi ofera sprijinul doar contracost.Puncte negative: spatiul este mic, abia gaseam loc sa fac exercitii cu gantere sau bara pt biceps. La ore de varf e cam greu sa gasesc loc liber la aparate.Nu au banca scott pt biceps, doar 1 aparat pe care nu il foloseste aproape nimeni pt ca este ciudat si nici circuitul milonizer nu are aparat pt biceps.Nu mi se pare suficient de aerisita sala, desi se pot rabata ferestrele.Muzica e aproape mereu aiurea, rareori am gasit muzica buna pentru antrenament.Pretul mie mi se pare mult prea mare 284 lei/ luna. Am inceput cu 230 pe luna (pret disponibil prin platforma bennefit) si au refuzat sa imi reinnoiasca abonamentul la acelas pret.Circuitul milonizer e cam ciudat deoarece nu poti creste greutatea treptat si esti fortat sa incepi cu greutatea maxima pe care o poti suporta.
    Liuba GreceaLiuba Grecea
    18:16 18 Apr 23
    O sală de gym care are că punct forte sistemul Millon (aparate care se reglează singură în funcție de forma în care ești și de caracteristicele corpului tău, în așa fel încât să poți progresa super particularizat, fără să îți bați capul de cum să reglezi tu aparatele), combinate cu câteva aparate Five-konzept pentru stretching. În rest, aparate obișnuite și o sală pentru ore de grup.Curat, civilizat, recomand.
    Ana TAna T
    18:17 26 Jul 20
    Sala este impecabila, super curata, are aparate de ultima generatie si preferatul meu, conceptul de circuit pe aparatele ce se ajusteaza pe structura ta corporala. Cred ca acesta tehnologie va revolutiona antrenamentele de fitness